Do you want to be happy? Scroll down …

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LET's Make 2021 Happy


Not only are happy people more likely to reach their goals, but they are also more productive, more creative, more mindful, more resilient, more relaxed, more generous, kinder, fitter, and healthier.

Numerous studies have shown that happiness raises every single business, educational, and health outcome.

Happiness is a superpower that improves all areas of our lives and according to many great thinkers, it is the sole purpose of life.

“What is the purpose of life? After much consideration, I believe that the purpose of life is to find happiness.” ― Dalai Lama XIV


Nowadays, happiness is one of the most Googled, sought-after, desired, and due to our busy lifestyles oftentimes unreachable concepts in the world. It seems that if we don’t schedule time in our calendars for happiness, we won’t find it.

That is why we have created our 4 Happy U 2021 Schedule Planner & Gratitude Journal. Not only will it help you organize your life, but it will actually help you become a much happier person as well. 

The 4 Happy U 2021 Schedule Planner & Gratitude Journal and the 4 Happy U Happiness eBook both contain all the latest scientific findings on how to find lasting joy and make it your default mode, instead of letting it slip through your fingers time and again. 



You will learn about the various definitions of happiness, our ‘miswants’ and ‘good wants‘, obstacles to happiness, and happiness habits, and, most importantly, by applying these habits you will actually raise your happiness levels way beyond your genetic set point.

By following our carefully designed yearly program you will become happier and that is a scientific fact. And luckily, the 4 Happy U products have been designed to make the journey toward happiness very simple and highly enjoyable.

It’s your turn to become happy. You have the power to change your life and to make yourself happy. You are the only person who has that power. Embrace it. Make happiness your priority. And we will be here every step of the way – to guide you, to encourage you, and to support you. Let’s do this!

“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

The best-selling 4 Happy U 2021 schedule planner and gratitude journal + 4 Happy U HAPPINESS e-book bundle

While the 4 Happy U 2021 Schedule Planner & Gratitude Journal will help you plan your year and enable you to do all the happiness-boosting activities and exercises delivered in the 4 Happy U Happiness eBook and to monitor your activity and happiness levels, the 4 Happy U Happiness eBook will teach you everything you need to know about happiness. 

As one covers the practical and the other the theoretical part of being happy, and as they are interconnected and interdependent, we recommend that you purchase the best-selling 4 Happy U 2021 Schedule Planner & Gratitude Journal + 4 Happy U Happiness eBook bundle and get the latter with more than 50% discount.

Click the button below to purchase the bundle now.


The 4 Happy U 2021 Schedule Planner & Gratitude Journal will help you get organized, enable you to practice gratitude on a daily basis, teach you how to become happier, and by encouraging you to perform weekly happiness-boosting activities it will actually raise your happiness levels dramatically. 

You will be able to monitor whether or not you did your weekly happiness task and how it made you feel. By repeating your weekly affirmations you will slowly but surely rewire your brain to the positive and the happiness quotes will inspire and motivate you to continue on your joy-finding journey.

The 4 Happy U 2021 Schedule Planner & Gratitude Journal contains:
4 Happy U 2021 Schedule Planner & Gratitude Journal
4 Happy U 2021 Schedule Planner & Gratitude Journal back cover

Both the 4 Happy U 2021 Schedule Planner & Gratitude Journal and the 4 Happy U School Year 2021/2022 Schedule Planner & Gratitude Journal (COMING IN SPRING 2021) are basically the same, except the latter will be created especially for students of all ages, designed to help you organize your school year, make you happier, and thus boost your problem-solving ability, your creativity, your intelligence, your memory, and your overall educational outcomes.

Click the button below to purchase 4 Happy U 2021 Schedule Planner & Gratitude Journal now or buy the bundle and save.

4 Happy U Happiness e-book

The 4 Happy U Happiness eBook is a concise overview and summary of some of the most popular books and studies on happiness. In it, you will find all the latest scientific findings on joy and learn everything you need to know about what exactly is happiness, the things we believe would make us happy but don’t and the ones that actually can make us happy, the limiting features and destructive emotions that thwart our ability to be happy, and the simple yet extremely effective methods and habits that have been proven to raise our happiness levels dramatically. 

The 4 Happy U Happiness eBook contains:
4 Happy U Happiness e-book all you need to know about happiness

Click the button below to purchase 4 Happy U Happiness eBook now or buy the bundle and save.